Our Philosophy:

Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat. He was very hungry. No matter how hard he tried, the fox could not find food. Finally he went to the edge of the forest and searched there for food. Suddenly he caught sight of a big tree with a hole in it.

Inside the hole was a package. The hungry fox immediately thought that there might be food in it, and he became very happy. He jumped into the hole and when he opened the package, he saw there were a lot of food, bread, meat and fruit in it!

An old woodcutter had placed the food in the tree trunk while he cut down trees in the forest. He was going to eat it for his lunch.

The fox happily began to eat. After the fox had finished eating, he felt thirsty and decided to leave the trunk and drink some water from a nearby spring. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the hole. Do you know why? Yes, the fox had eaten so much food that he became too big to fit through the hole.

The fox was very sad and upset. He told himself, “I wish that I had thought a little before jumping into the hole.”

Often we feel the way the fox felt, we see ourselves helpless and thus suffering. We jump into conclusions and become judgmental, we suffer from our own choices when we miss a well clarified philosophy manifesting in the form of vision, purpose and values.

We, Anugraha Learning and Research Foundation come with a high degree of vision, purpose and the way. We have a well clarified and a definite purpose to be “Anugraha Living Values”. Our philosophy “Anugraha Way” has been our inspiration and our life-line; it helps us to interpret life situations and live appropriate roles with a right script. Our philosophy helps us to live our leadership spirit without compromising around trembling difficulties. We are constantly aligned with “Living Values” for the purpose of transforming the way we think, speak and act. We have been continuously working towards discovering innovative ways of designing, organizing, executing and monitoring tools and instruments of “Living Values” for individual, family and organizational growth.

Life is a series of choices and we can excel in our actions only by appreciating the value of values and living by them around all impossibilities. We feel privileged to count ourselves as transformative coach and mentors, the game changers and one who strongly see opportunities and challenges in every situation because of the ability to vision and attitude to make the vision happen. We see ourselves as committed value creators who respect for that uniqueness in every individual, learning to live what we value around impossibilities, accepting responsibility and accountability for every action of ours, total commitment and integrity towards universal values, being committed to our vision at any cost, learning to discover us in everything, commitment towards growing together and making things happen.

To design, implement and monitor tools and instruments to learn, clarify, assimilate and live values to improve individual, family and organizational performance and effectiveness to grow purposefully and meaningfully.

We value everything that gives freedom and a sense of accomplishment to things and people around us. Our every choice in Anugraha Learning and Research Foundation are guided by,

Acknowledgement and